
Im/migrants Discover Health Resources at the North Shore Health Fair

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The first-ever North Shore Health Fair for im/migrants, held in October at the Delbrook Community Centre, welcomed over 80 newcomers. This event was designed to assist newcomers to learn about the Canadian healthcare system and the many community services available on the North Shore. Representatives from a wide range of local organizations attended to provide information about their services, promote healthy living, and connect newcomers with healthcare providers and resources in their community.

This event also offered the opportunity for healthcare providers to engage with newcomers to the North Shore and learn about their healthcare needs. Many thanks to the wide range of vendors who participated in this event: BC Cancer Screening, Health Canada, UBC InterCultural Online Health Network, UBC Nursing, Vancouver Coastal Health, Canadian Mental Health Association, North Vancouver Recreation Commission, Family Services of the North Shore, The Foundry, and Parkgate Society.

We look forward to bringing together newcomers and healthcare providers at this annual event.

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